Company Secretarial
Every limited company must have a company secretary whose function is to ensure that various tasks are undertaken to enable the smooth running of the company.
Hillgate Management can, if requested, arrange an appointment of a sole or joint company secretary in order to ensure that the statutory requirements are complied with thereby relieving the directors of their respective burdens:

Our duties as company secretary are as follows:
- Holding of registered office at our address.
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Return to Companies House.
- Dealing with the company accountants to ensure filing of the company accounts at Companies House.
Holding and maintenance of the statutory books to include:
- Register of Members
- Register of Directors and their Interests
- Register of Secretaries
- Register of Transfers
- Register of Applications
- We will in addition circularise the shareholders with Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the company pursuant to instructions from the Directors.